Today will be a quiet one. My colleagues are all in a group meeting to meet the new Boss Man and to hear his plans for our future, so life will be very quiet - Still feel guilty for not being there and sharing their suffering and even worse for not sharing a beer, conversation and a good meal with them :( I've never dropped the ball and left so many people in the lurch before and it really grates, especially when there isn't a tangible reason for it - Is lack of concentration a medical condition?
So spent my time off sat in front of the pc as usual from 04:30, researching coffins again, looking for a suit for Jake and maybe for me, writing blogs, timesheets, fielding calls etc. Mum and Karen off on an unenviable journey around old friends to inform them of the news this morning so Heather appeared early, hoping to lure me off to see Harry Potter! Shoul have gone really but lack of concentration, apathy and general lassitude conspired to make it a non event, maybe tomorrow.

Spoke to siblings about 'arrangements' but until we have the green card from the hospital, nothing can be confirmed, so went ahead and placed an announcement in the News without funeral details, just to get it in there. Turns out that the quoted number of words for an announcement is merely an indication of the box size, so it actually cost nearly twice what I was expecting but hey-ho, it needed to be done. Hope everyone is okay with the simple announcement rather than a long, rambling one but we can put another in with service details and farewell messages later on.
Jake back from school, so we head off to Fareham to look at suits and fittings in Burtons. Find a nice jacket in the sale but no matching trousers but at least we now know his size - back to the Web for browsing ! Wander into M&S as a last resort for some alternatives and Jake tries on a good looking suit, reasonably tailored and we damn near walk out with it there and then but luckily enough Mr. "I don't like making impromptu decisions" (especially concerning cash), woke up from his daze long enough and stepped in.
Rush back as Heather's group is playing at the Edge of the Wedge tonight as one of their farewell gigs - really wish I could have gone to see :(
No jump training for Jake tonight as he is travelling up to Enfield tomorrow to take part in the Lee Valley Sprints evening and he doesn't want to stress himself too much - fast becoming too pro that kid !! He should do well though as he has been training with the Hampshire School's no.1 and is beating him by about 4m every time and I reckon he is running around 11.50s now and could probably drop some off of that as well with his recent interest and training - fingers crossed.
Green form has now been collected so planning can begin. Off to register the event tomorrow and visit funeral directors etc., one week after Dad was released from hospital, looking well. Seems like an eternity ago :( Heather wants a tattoo to mark the event. Totally sympathise, might join her !! (No, that isn't a 'yes' Heather!)
One moment of dread passed though - Mum had read this blog and I was terrified she would be upset but she said it had made her laugh and cry and didn't offend - Phew, I'm sure there's still time to offend someone though !!
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