Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 7 - One week on :(

Day 7 - Trudging onwards

Back to the spreadsheets, blogs and deepening depression ! Need to put down memories and anecdotes for the Very Rev Paul - hadn't forgotten but still dreading it, especially as I volunteered to collate them all and possibly formulate them into a delivery for the service :( Mum suggests an unprovoked comment from Hayden to finish it with; "Nanny B I spoke to God Last night and I asked God to look after Grandad B because he needs a friend and we all loved him." - Nuff said.

Rapidly losing any hope of getting a decent new suit for the event, must buy some shades as well - add that to the list :) Jake's should be being delivered today which he is looking forward to I think, just so long as he remember to get his haircut and passport pics taken after school or he won't be joining AFC Portchester for their final(?) year.

Right, breakfast missed, inhalers forgotten and work screaming silently at me - time to get a grip for a few moments before the next interruption, which happens almost instantly as I go to the bathroom and there is a hammering on the front door. Rush downstairs to find not a police swat team but the petite, hyperactive Avon lady who does everything at twice the speed of a normal human, with Jake's suits. I am under strict instructions not to even open the box before he comes home. Interestingly enough, this is a trait that I am sure he has picked up from me and I believe that I developed an addiction to waiting for the postman from when Dad worked away and always sent weird and wonderful things through the post for us. :)

Got a few hours work in, with frequent mental diversions, although realised after a while that I had been inadvertently calculating the replication overheads in with the filesystem sizes - D'Oh! My brain is definitely not heading in a straight line yet :(

Changed tack to update some notes for the Very Rev Paul but that is just as fruitless - looks like neither are going to be completed today :(

Jake arrives home with no haircut and no photos. Tried his suit on and suddenly is transformed into a good-looking young man (except for the hair that is!) - feel quite proud :) Then it turns into a fashion show as he tries the jacket-slung-casually-over-the-shoulder look and various other catalogue poses - should have signed him up with a modelling agency !!
Heather finally gets a letter from Southdowns with her summer photography assignment - doesn't look enthused :( I did try and get her to do some street-scene assignments when she was looking bored, so maybe we could combine the two. Part of me wishes I had a similar photo-project I could commit to but where is the time? 

Joined in the weekly concall that I host at work, much to the surprise of the attendees - Some awkward silences but not too bad, then received a call from PCS to tell me that 'there was an incident today at school' and that all other parties had now made statements and Jake had not turned up despite 2 requests and was currently, by implication, the guilty party - Could I have a word? Do not want to refuse him his AFC Portchester membership as that would hurt the team and they desperately need players to even register tomorrow and cancelling his entries in the Guildford race meeting on Sunday is too extreme and others have put themselves out at my request to get him in the early 200m race so that we can get back for Heather's gig at the Commy. The incident itself was in science and involved putting ice down the back of some girls top. Nothing malicious apparently, just a horseplay (is that word still in use?) between friends but the situation itself could have been dangerous with strong alkalies being used earlier. I don't know. Jake's reaction is textbook stroppy, denying all knowledge, refuting all statements and generally shouting out his innocence - Will have to hassle him over the weekend and make him realise that he needs to go and see the teacher first thing on Monday and apologise and make his statement, the same as the others. If he doesn't it will just go higher and the consequences and penalties will be more severe. Still he brought home a nice certificate to celebrate his breaking of the school triple jump record which has stood since 1987 ! Lackaday (continuing with my theme of Old English words !)

So Friday night = curry night and now also equals the night Dad went :( Soldier on through a Chicken Bhuna, Mixed Kebab starter and Keema rice though :) Forgot to mention to Tony about haircuts !
A minor kerfuffle (had to get that word in, if nothing else to see how the spellchecker copes with it!) when Heather says she has stuff to get from Nan's for the night, so previous plan of Jake cycling around to spend the night there is scuppered (another good word) and we go into all out family crisis mode as usual with offers of lifts arriving from all directions and all because I thought the day was ended and had a drink 3 hrs ago. Really do not see the point of disturbing people to come round and collect Jake and return with Heather and a small portion of her gear when I can just as easily call a cab and not bother anyone else. Hell, it was long enough ago that I should be ok myself but I would rather not risk it and I would pay for a taxi. Gave up arguing, Karen came out especially and I was once again the incompetent, irresponsible fool. SNAFU :( 

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