A later than usual start today because of Jake's late return last night. Still, he's looking chuffed with it this morning :)
Been trying to put some wise words down for announcements, cards, tributes and eulogies etc. but it is very hard work, not helped by the compulsory gut-wrenching that accompanies every happy memory that I try to write down. Then as soon as you think you have something suitable for the newspaper, you have to think of another to go with the flowers etc. Chances of performing some work today are looking slim - let's worry about that for 10 mins and open up a spreadsheet, try to figure out where I was in the process, get distracted by an email or phone call, then remember I haven't even had inhalers this morning and I'm 3 hrs late !
Where's that time machine when you need it?
I have to compose and get today's announcement of the arrangements approved by all and in before 14:30hrs. Michael also wants me to write a line for Mum which is proving even more painful - never mind my own memories, I have to try and imagine hers and her sense of loss and experience the pain for both of us - Being an empath sucks !! :((
Drove Heather to see Harry P film with Alex. Finally she gets to do something for herself !! Then back for a panicked session for Mum's announcement. Finally put something down and post to Google+ for K&M to review - neither online and M not answering his phone. Call Karen and she tells me that they've just put Mum's in with all the service details - I couldn't have been more shocked and crushed if you dropped a ton of wet sand on my head $-o
Still, what's done is done, nothing can change that, just lessons learned etc. Seems a pity though that all of that painful sobbing, wailing and soul-searching just resulted in yet more painful sobbing, wailing and soul-searching :( So to get over that I suddenly realise that I haven't put in an announcement myself, other than Wednesday's so time for a little more painful sobbing, wailing and soul-searching - Where does it end ?!? :) Give up being creative and cut 'n' paste a bit of Day 0's entry - it's nice enough and I can't read it without cracking so hopefully it works.

So, pick Heather and Alex up from the flicks and back home to try and start some work. Jake's back home and can't get to jump training tonight, so get changed again and off out again. Angie is out at a school production of Oliver, Heather's at band practice and we won't be back until after 8 so no cooking food again :(
Jake has now joined Southampton Athletic Club and looks to be racing on Sunday in Guildford in the 100 and 400m ! Should be interesting as he's never run a properly competitive 400 before. Need to check the times though as I can't miss Heather's performance on Sunday at the Community Centre . Jake is also entered in the Southern Championships as well in Ashford, Kent over the weekend of Aug 6/7 - no idea of arrangements for that but this athletics thing is fast becoming expensive, even a Scum club vest costs £17 !! The coach was stunned by his 11.50 at Lee Valley by all accounts but I have to say he seems to have been bitten by the bug and is actually enjoying competing for once. In football and other team sports it really was the winning that counted for him but in sprinting he is competing against his own PB and realises that he can put in a great performance and still not win and feel good about it. Well pleased :)
Continued to try and get my design work progressed, which unfortunately means fiddling around with spreadsheets to gauge filesystem sizes and replication overheads etc. but brain is way too screwed up from today so give up and hope tomorrow is easier.
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